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Raveena Campaign for MP

Raveena For MP

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The Mission

Tackling Some Big Issues

“I am excited to announce that I will be running for nomination in the conservative party of the Pickering-Brooklin riding.” 

Raveena’s experience in healthcare, social justice, and community development makes her an excellent candidate to represent our great community. She is committed to improving healthcare, promoting diversity and inclusion, and addressing climate change and many other causes.

It’s important to nominate a candidate who has the ability to become a Minister in the Party. Raveena meets the criteria!


Affordable Housing



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About Raveena

Raveena Rajasingham is vying for the nomination as your next Conservative candidate and Member of Parliament for Pickering and Brooklin. A seasoned professional with a notable background in clinical practice and academia, Raveena currently serves as the National Cardiology Clinical and Device Specialist in a healthcare corporation while also contributing as a seasonal lecturer at Athabasca University’s Faculty of Health Disciplines.
Residing in Pickering with her three children, Raveena, a working mother, intimately understands the challenges of everyday life, especially concerning the financial strains many Canadians face. As an immigrant herself, she empathizes with newcomers and stresses the necessity of affordable housing. Raveena aims to be your voice in Ottawa, advocating for issues that matter to the community.

Educationally, Raveena holds a bachelor’s degree from Western University, and she completed programs in Nursing and Health Care Leadership/Management at McMaster University and Cardiovascular Technology at the Mohawk-McMaster Institute for Applied Health Sciences. Additionally, she earned a master’s degree in health studies focusing on Hypertension Measurement and Management from Athabasca University.

Beyond her professional pursuits, Raveena has demonstrated a deep commitment to promoting youth empowerment, diversity, and social justice for over two decades. She actively engages in community initiatives, having chaired fundraisers for the Durham Regional Cancer Center and Ajax/Pickering Hospital, participated in multicultural events, and served on the advisory board for the World’s Parkinson’s program. Raveena was also the Fundraiser Chair for the Durham Regional Cancer Center and Ajax/Pickering Hospital, and she is the Youth Education Chair for the Royal Canadian Legion Pickering. Raveena’s dedication also extends internationally, where she has been involved in projects supporting underprivileged children and empowering women.

For the Community:
Devoted to community service, Raveena and her family volunteer at homeless shelters, conduct blood pressure seminars for seniors, and participate in environmental activities such as tree planting and shoreline cleanups. She is also the founder and community expert for the Ajax and Pickering Public Library Science Fair. As a panellist on the Voice in Durham project, she engages with young journalists about community issues.

Raveena’s contributions have not gone unnoticed, as evidenced by her receipt of prestigious awards such as the Cultural Diversity Award from the City of Pickering, the Diversity and Community Engagement Award, and the Education Award from the Town of Ajax. She was also honoured with the President’s Circle Award for Outstanding Performance as a National Cardiology Specialist from Spacelabs Healthcare.

With a proven track record of leadership, commitment to community service, and a wealth of experience, Raveena Rajasingham is ready to represent and advocate for the people of Pickering and Brooklin.

There’s a growing need that needs attention…

Affordable Housing

Addressing the critical need for affordable housing in Pickering is a central focus of Raveena’s platform. As a dedicated social justice advocate, she recognizes the pivotal role of affordable housing in fostering community well-being and success, emphasizing universal access irrespective of income levels.

Collaborating closely with community leaders and housing experts, Raveena aims to formulate a comprehensive plan to tackle Pickering’s affordable housing crisis. This includes exploring diverse funding options for affordable housing units, implementing incentives for developers, and collaborating with landlords to maintain affordable rents. Raveena is steadfast in her commitment to ensuring that everyone in Pickering has access to safe and affordable housing.

Striving for Prosperity…

A Strong Economy

Raveena Rajasingam is the driving force behind Pickering-Brooklin’s economic growth, advocating a comprehensive strategy focused on innovation, small business empowerment, and strategic investments. Her vision involves collaboration with Provincial and Municipal partners to maximize benefits for everyday families. Through her dedication to green initiatives, Raveena aims to position Pickering-Brooklin as a leader in environmentally conscious practices, fostering economic opportunities in the expanding green sector.

Recognizing the significance of robust infrastructure, she is committed to securing funding for projects that enhance connectivity, catalyzing local economic development. Raveena’s emphasis on job growth ensures a thriving hub of employment opportunities, contributing to a resilient and sustainable economic future. Her initiatives aim to create a community where families not only save money but also witness the tangible impact of their hard-earned dollars.

Improving diversity and inclusion
Job Opportunities

Better jobs for our community…

Creating Job Opportunities

Raveena is devoted to enhancing the economic landscape of Pickering and Brooklin by creating job opportunities. She prioritizes attracting businesses that offer well-paying jobs, recognizing the positive impact on residents’ quality of life.

Collaborating with local business leaders and government officials, Raveena aims to attract businesses tailored to the diverse needs of the community. Committed to fostering a business-friendly environment, she believes that by attracting enterprises, Pickering can evolve into a vibrant and thriving community, offering opportunities for all its residents.

Let’s get that hospital…

Improving Healthcare

Raveena, a National Cardiology Clinical Specialist and Consultant, is dedicated to advocating for a much-needed hospital in Pickering. Drawing on her firsthand experience with healthcare shortcomings, she recognizes the critical importance of accessible and high-quality healthcare.

Raveena believes that a hospital in Pickering will enhance community health outcomes, broaden access to healthcare services, and generate job opportunities. In collaboration with community leaders, healthcare providers, and government officials, she plans to champion the establishment of the hospital, securing funding and ensuring it aligns with community needs. Raveena is unwavering in her commitment to prioritizing healthcare in Pickering, aiming to catalyze positive change for the community.

Improving Healthcare

The future is in our hands…

Let’s be part of the solution, not the problem

Climate change is a critical global issue with escalating temperatures, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events underscoring its urgency. It is a shared challenge demanding collective efforts to diminish our carbon footprint, safeguard the environment, and forge a sustainable future for generations ahead.

As individuals, we can contribute by adopting eco-friendly practices, such as recycling, reducing energy consumption, and supporting sustainable businesses. Holding governments and corporations accountable is essential; advocating for policies that curb greenhouse gas emissions and champion renewable energy sources is paramount. Through united action, we can ensure a healthier planet and a sustainable legacy for future generations in the ongoing battle against climate change.

It’s a Great Day to

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Help us make Pickering-Brooklin better. We need volunteers to help spread the word to vote for Raveena so that change can happen.

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